Body Treatment by Mud Paste Over Body or Mud Therapy

Mud Therapy
The treatment by mud is the most popular and best remedy in the world, everyone know that it is actually the alternate of any medicine. It just not relieves the body but calm the soul as well. The other best factor of this therapy is that it is completely unique and can be use in many ways like –  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Miraculous Powerful Effects of Natural Treatment on Diseases ... 
Body Treatment by Mud Paste over Body or Mud Therapy
Body Treatment by Mud Paste over Body or Mud Therapy
How Many Type we can Use Mud in Therapy :
1.       As a Face Pack : If you use it as a face pack then it soaks all the oil and water components from your face and cleans it completely. Remember the duration of face pack must be roughly 20 to 30 minutes. And you can this not on just face but your abdomen, eyes, feet, back, spine and forehead as well.

2.       As a Massage : It is as simple and similar as you takes oil massage, just you need to change one thing and that is soil in place of mud. It has its different benefits like it sucks all the toxic particles from body through the pores of skin. Natural science uses this type of mud therapy most or we can say that mud massage is the back bone of natural science and therapy.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Process and Benefits of Hot Cold Hip Bath Steam Bath and Hot Leg Bath ... 
Mud Therapy
Mud Therapy
3.       Mud Nap or Sleeping in Mud : Anyone who suffers from insomnia, stress, tension or anxiety must sleep in mud because mud has a quality that is cold and keeps our tension away. By doing mud nap, it helps in nervine or mental instability as well.  

4.       Bath with Mud : To overhaul all the skin tissues and to improve the working of organs, you must bath in mud or scrub yourself completely in mud. This process also helps in blood circulation all over the body.

5.       Walk on Mud : As the title suggest that you need to walk on mud bare footed. This mud therapy is actually good for your kidney; it also influences the other parts of body as well.

Unique and Amazing Health Benefits of Mud Therapy :
·         Acne and Pimples : When you use it as a face pack, it works on our beauty and removes all the pimples and acne.
How many Type of Mud Therapy
How many Type of Mud Therapy
·         Aids our Digestive System : During the Mud Bath or Sleeping in Mud Therapy, mud affects our lower abdomen and helps in improving our digestive system. With this is also remove abdominal gas and stomach ache as well.  So, every person who is suffering from abdominal problem must use mud pack on his abdomen.

·         Vomiting and Diarrhea : If someone is suffering from lose motion than this therapy comes very handy for him. For these diseases he must use mud over his chest, back and stomach.

·         Fever and Headache : These two problems only occurs when the body gets over heated and people feels lazy. In this situation he must first bath and then apply mud over his forehead. The mud sucks all the heat from his head and brain and makes him feel better than before.

·         Heals the wounds : Do you ever see the village children, if they have any wound during any game, they just takes mud and uses it over  the wound. This is only because soil has healing quality as well.

·         Anti Aging : Yes, if you uses mud therapy it keeps you young and look attractive.

There are many more benefits of mud therapy like it removes stress, glows skin, remove skin diseases, enhances eye vision, cures constipation and fills energy etc. 
Unique Qualities of Mud Therapy
Unique Qualities of Mud Therapy

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