Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps Mobile Applications

Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps Mobile Applications

Developer of Mobile Apps are commonly ask to develop the app which streams video, display the fluid animation, play the music, integrate with the social media outlet like the Twitter and the Facebook and device specific integration capabilities. They are also worked with the developing the app that can operate properly regardless of which devices, platform or the OS, It is executing on. In the Multiple Cases, If the developers like to get all such requirement, they have to leverage the numbers of different technologies of the development and the environment in the addition to the obtaining of multiple SDK's and learning new scripting of language for the single OSs, causing the delay in the deployment and the increase resource expenditure.

IF HTML5 which developer is progressively getting as a remedy for the development pain and a way to successfully navigates through the extremely mobile ecosystem fragmented. Actually HTML is also the language of programming used to present the internet content in the manner that is multiple device usability. So the mostly latest version of the standard, HTML5, activates cross devices compatibility by the allowing access to the mobile content and the apps of Web through any type of internet connected devices.

What do you mean by the Mobile developer? They create one code now that is the cross device, cross platform, cross OS and the Cross browser compatible. Such Advantage like 'write once, run anywhere' make it so that developer can mitigate the requirement to the write individual code for iOS, and another specific to the Android ( And all it various OS version), and other tailored for like blackberry, and much another for like …... we get the points. This will greatly reduce the cost of the development, Testing and the rolling for new apps and the websites.

Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps
Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps

Mobile developer are starting to the favor of HTML5 as the platform of development of the select for multiple reason. Some use it because it allow the seamless integration and the interactivity with the device of mobile and its native's feature, providing the end user with a richer, more complex user environment. For an example the developer are able to exploit the device specific functionality such as the speaker, Camera, accelerometer, microphone and the LBS technology. Another likes it because it allow them to bypass the apps store approval processes. Once developer create, test and finalize their web app, they can deploy it simply through a url. After Deployment, They are able to quickly edits the web app with the feature enhancement and the issue resolve without having to go through an app store reapproval processes which outcome in delay and the large expenses – and end users can still access the updated web apps through the same URL. So Instantly deployment and not user requiring to download and installing the apps help to speed up time to market and the more important, ROI.

Great debate is there related to the development for native apps vs. HTML5 web apps. For the enterprises, the benefit of the HTML5 web app far out weigh the limitation. Assume such scenarios:

A company develop a native iPhone apps for the CRM app. After month of the solid developing and the effort of testing, they submit it to the sore of app for approval. After an additional multiple months of the correspondence and the update continuous to comply with the guidelines of Apple, The apps are finally approved. Then the Apple update their SDK which developed multiple bug, further delaying the CRM apps release. Concurrently, the company realizes that the code which activates the iPhone to interface with their core data had limitation which would take major effort and the resource to the overcome, may be even requiring a rebuild of the entire apps. And every time the enterprise wanted to add new enhancement and the funcionalities. It become time consuming and costly since they would urgently have to start the rigorous testing and development effort from the scratches. Finally the apps are approved, launched, available and is a big hit in the streamlining business processes so now, customer and employee alike are request Android and the Blackberry version of the CRM apps, requiring more time and the resource.

Input the HTML5. Development the same apps in the same environment would have produced a 'One – Size – Fit -all' web apps which would work on the iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry among other devices regardless of the operating system – getting the feel and look of a native apps across all the platform. With HTML5, Organization can quickly and easily development and release feature enhancement and fix the bug issues while activating customer to access the CRM apps as the usual – Through the URL. Gone are the day of the apps store approval, delay, large expense and resources commitment each time the organizations wanted to roll out the new or the enhanced features or the issues resolved.

As enterprise organization evolve to support more than one device platform compounded by the growing BYOD trend, Along with the cost and the resources consideration, development
employees and customers facing the HTML5 web app seem to nbe the less prohibitive options in the native apps vs. HTML5 web apps debate does not it?

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