Test Automation Frameworks Types, What are the different types of Test Automation Frameworks in QTP

Test Automation Frameworks Types, What are the different types of Test Automation Frameworks in QTP

What are the different types of Test Automation Frameworks in QTP?

The Different types of Test Automation Frameworks are as follows :-
1) QTP Linear Scripting Frameworks – Its used to Record and Playback. Mostly this basic framework is used to where we write our script as it is. All steps will be write down here in linear fashion.
2) Test Library Architecture Framework or QTP Functional Decomposition Frameworks :- With the help of this code you can do code in different -2 methods and then you can call these methods wherever the needs are mandatory. Such methods can be non reusable and reusable.
3) Data Driven Test Framework here your data or record will different from this code, may be in Excel file. This can help you to run the same code for multiple data sets.
  1. Keyword Driven or Table Driven Test Framework. Such type of QTP Framework, can generate the different keywords and connected different action with same keywords. When QTP meets with specific frameworks, then it run the action related with that one framework.
  2. QTP Hybrid Frameworks :- Hybrid frameworks are the unit of one or the more framework discussed already above. Based on Given Requirement, We can make together these feature for any of the above provided frameworks. This type of resultant framework is called Hybrid Frameworks.
  3. Business Process Testing Frameworks (BPT) :- According to QTP Frameworks, We can divide our test cases flow into more than one business components. Then we will be able to re use such components as multiple time as per requirement. We also required the Quality Center access in order to using BPT Framework. Also we need to acquire the license of BPT from the HP in order to using such frameworks.

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