Eliminate Foul Odor of Underarm Sweat within Just 1 Minute

Eliminate Foul Odor of Underarm Sweat within Just 1 Minute
Friends, sweating is a common problem and it is necessary also because sweating keeps body cool, but the excess of sweat cause bad smell from body which not just make your uncomfortable but embarrasses you as well. However, let me tell you that sweating doesn’t stink in body but when sweat mixes with bacteria then it produces foul odor. These bacteria grows in soft and moisturized environment, but now you don’t need to worry because today we are here with some easy home remedies which removes foul odor of sweating.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Home Remedies to Remove Sweat Odor ...
Eliminate Foul Odor of Underarm Sweat within Just 1 Minute
Eliminate Foul Odor of Underarm Sweat within Just 1 Minute
Home Remedies to Remove Underarm Foul Odor :
First Remedy : Baking Soda
Baking Soda is a natural and soft component which helps to remove underarm foul smell. This is because baking soda kills those bacteria that cause foul odor and works as natural deodorant as well. To use baking soda, take a bowl first and mix baking soda and lemon juice in it in same quantity. After this, apply this mixture in your armpit and leave to dry and when it dries wash it off with fresh water. Remember don’t rub it off just wash.

Second Remedy : Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also fights with bacteria and stop their growth, with that it maintains the pH level of skin as well and that’s why apple cider vinegar is used to eliminate foul odor of armpit. So, take 4tsp of water and mix 2tsp of apple cider vinegar in it. Then apply it in your underarms with cotton and then bath after 10-15 minutes. If you follows this remedy twice a day then it completely removes foul odor of your armpit.

Third Remedy : Tomato
Tomato contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which helps to eliminate foul odor from body. So take 5-6 tomatoes, cut them into 2 pieces and grind them to take out their juice. Now strain it to remove the seeds and mix the remaining juice in your bathing water. This remedy not just removes armpit bad smell but it keeps whole body fragrant as well. With that you should drink tomato soup daily too.

Fourth Remedy : Henna
Henna contains zinc, Menthol and Chlorophyll which don’t allow foul odor bacteria to grow and makes henna a natural body freshener. So, take 1cup of Henna and mix 4 cup of water in it and then boil it. After boiling strain it in another utensil and mix the remaining water in your bath tub. Now sit in this bath tub for 15-20 minutes, this is how your whole body fragrant for whole day and you get relief from the bad odor from the sweating.
Get Rid of Bad Armpit Smell
Get Rid of Bad Armpit Smell
Other Solutions :
-    Rub alum in your armpit after having a bath because alum also helps to remove foul odor but keep alum in water for some time and then use.

-    Like alum you should rub cucumber slice in your armpit after bath as well. Actually cucumber contains some antioxidants that help to remove bacteria and cool armpit too.

-    Clean your armpit always, because if you clean yourself then you will sweat less and you will be protected from infection and other diseases.

-    Drink more water, this keeps body moisturized and good for health. Not only this, it prevents body to odor foul for long time.

Friends, these are some easy home remedies which protects you from the embarrassment of foul odor or smell. So, if you are also suffering with foul odor of underarm then follow these solutions and get benefited.

Get Rid of Bad Armpit Smell, How to Stop Smelly Underarms, Home Remedies to Stop Underarm Odor, Tips to Prevent Foul Odor of Sweat, Armpit Odor and Its Prevention

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