Maintain Beauty of Your Pretty Legs Removing Cracked Heels

Maintain Beauty of Your Pretty Legs Removing Cracked Heels
Friends, everyone wants beautiful face but ignores their heels and they cracks and make your suffer unbearable pain. This is common in winter because winter makes skin dry and rough especially heels. Anyone may suffer cracked heels whether it is Boy Girl or Old person. Actually heels need a natural oil Sebum from body to stay soft but sometime body don’t produces this oil and cause this problem. If we ignore it then it may become worse for health, that’s why today we are going to show you some simple remedies to cure this problem completely. So, let’s start.

Remedies to Make Cracked Heel Look Beautiful and Smooth :
First Remedy :
For first remedy we need Candle and Mustard Oil. So, cut Candle in small pieces and then melt. After this take 1tsp of this melted wax and add 1tsp of Mustard Oil or Olive oil in it. Mix them well and prepare a paste. You can increase or decrease the quantity as per of your need. Your paste is ready.

How to Use :
To use this paste, keep your legs in lukewarm water for 10 minutes first because this removes dead cells and dirt from heels and makes them soft. After 10 minutes apply this paste on heel and fill in cracks, wear a socks and rest for 1 - 1 ½ hour. Then wash your legs with cold fresh water. For the best results follow this remedy before bed at night. This solution not just fills cracks of heels but makes heel soft, smooth and beautiful as well.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Shine Your Cracked Heels using Home Remedy ... 
Maintain Beauty of Your Pretty Legs Removing Cracked Heels
Maintain Beauty of Your Pretty Legs Removing Cracked Heels
Second Remedy :
In second remedy we need Baking Soda, Sugar Candy, Olive Oil and Honey. So take a bowl and mix 3tsp of Sugar Candy powder, ½ tsp of Baking Soda, 1tsp of Honey and 1tsp of Olive Oil it. Mix all the ingredients well to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on your cracked heels as mentions in first remedy.

Other Solutions :
Honey : Honey is one of the best moisturizer, it keeps legs hydrated. So, take 2litre Water and ½ cup of Honey, mix them well. Now keep your legs in this mixture for 20 minutes, this makes heels soft, smooth and beautiful.

Glycerine and Rosewater :
Prepare a mixture with ½ tsp of Glycerine and 1 ½ tsp of Rosewater and then apply on heels, after 15 minutes wash it off with lukewarm water.

So Friends, if you are also worried about your cracked heels then try these remedies once and get its benefits.

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