Remove Pimples in Just 1 Hour

Remove Pimples in Just 1 Hour
Friends, Today our Environment is Full of Pollutant and Harmful rays, which left their harmful effects on our body as Pimple, acne or Other Dangerous Diseases. Pimples are Common in Teenage but think, if you have to go for date or party and you have Pimple on your face then you can’t go in this situation. This makes you off and changes your Program but now you don’t need to worry because there are some Natural Remedies which removes these Pimples in just 1 hour. So, let’s know about them and what are the Materials required those Remedies.

Home Remedy to Remove Pimple :
First Remedy :
The quickest way to remove pimples is the use of lemon juice, because lemon is rich in vitamin C and that helps to dry pimples acne faster. There are 2 ways to use lemon for pimples –

First – Take a bowl and add 1tsp of Lemon Juice and 1tsp of Cinnamon Powder in it. Now mix them well and apply on your pimple before going to bed. Next morning wash your skin with lukewarm water. Remember if you have sensitive skin then ignore it.

Second – You just need to dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and then simply apply it on pimples before bed. Similarly wash it off next day.

Second Remedy :
We will use garlic in second remedy because garlic contains antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant properties which treat these pimples fast. With that garlic contains sulfur which is best to heal pimples. So, cut a garlic clove in two pieces and then rub it off on pimple. Leave it for 5 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this process every 15 minutes for quick result. One more thing, if you eat garlic daily then it purifies blood and keeps skin healthy.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW World's Best Fairness Scrub Using Rice Flour ...
Remove Pimples in Just 1 Hour
Remove Pimples in Just 1 Hour
Third Remedy :
The other effective home remedy to get rid of pimples is baking soda, because it exfoliates skin to get rid of excess oil, dead skin cells and dirt. So, prepare a paste with 1tsp of baking soda and Rosewater. Now wash your skin and apply this paste on affected areas. Allow it to dry for 10 to 15 minutes. Remember never keep baking soda on your skin for longer than few minutes because baking soda may cause irritation and dryness. Rinse your face after 15 minutes and use any moisturizer.

Forth Remedy
We can use halite to get rid of pimples as well. So take ½ cup of water and mix 1tsp of halite in it. Now apply it on affected parts using cotton. Remove it after sometime, first with lukewarm water followed by cold water. Follow this solution twice a day, this exfoliate skin to remove bacteria and balance pH level also. Remember this solution is best suited for oily skin, combination skin and normal skin.

Other Remedy :
-    Ice removes swelling, redness and itch around pimple, with that it improves blood circulation, tightens pores and remove oil from skin. So use ice as well.

-    The toothpaste we use in morning to clean teeth also helps to remove pimples. So apply it on pimples before bed and wash it off next day. You can use it in day as well but make sure you keep it on pimples for at least 30 minutes.

-    Steaming is also a great option to get rid of pimples because it cleans pores to make skin breath easily and keep it healthy. So take warm water in a container and take your face over it. Cover your head with towel and take the steam on face for 5-7 minutes and then use moisturizer.

Friends these are the best ways and home remedies to Get Rid of Pimples and Acne in just one Hour. So follow them and get a Fairless and spotless skin.

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