Which Oil Massage is Good for the growth of Hair and Body

Oil Massage 
Every woman wants thick long silky and attractive hair but for this purpose peoples uses chemical products in their hair. But the chemicals in these products make hair dry and fall. So, how can they make their hair healthy and strong? There is a simple way to fulfill this wish and that is hair massage. Yes hair massage, but now the question by which oil? So, first we want to tell you that hair massage removes fungal infection, removes scalp and bacteria and never lets our hair dry, with that it shines our hair as well, and it means that oil has every nutrient for hair.  So everyone needs to find 5 – 10 minutes in a day for hair massage, if you do this than you will see these (given below ) benefits in our hair or body. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Water Saving Jet Spray Massage Shower Process and Benefits ... 
Which Oil Massage is Good for the growth of Hair and Body
Which Oil Massage is Good for the growth of Hair and Body
Benefits of Hair Massage :
·        Grows New Hair : If you massage your hair than it help in the growth of new hair and makes the root strong.

·        Circulate Blood : Massage circulates blood in head and prevent hair breakage and complications.

·         Prevent Devious Double Hair : Yes, the regular hair massage prevents devious double hair as well but remember, for this benefit you need to massage for almost 15 to 20 minutes in the roots of hair.

·        Keeps Brain Calm : Hair massage just not keeps hair healthy but calms mind, which helps in good sleep and relax.

·        Increases Moisturizer : Massage increase moisturizer in hair and makes hair shiny and smooth. While oil massages your hair please make sure don’t apply oil directly in complete head but make some section and then massage. It makes oil to reach scalp and remove them.

·        Gives Long and Strong Hair : Actually oil massage is very important for the growth of hair, it activates the cells of body which makes hair long and strong. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Body Treatment by Mud Paste over Body or Mud Therapy ... 
Benefits of Hair Massage
Benefits of Hair Massage
·        Hot Steam Bath : After the massage you can take hot steam bath, if you do this then it opens the pores of over skin and this helps in removing the dust particle from the head.

·        For Silky and Thick Hair : If you wish for silky and thick hair than mix curd in mustard oil and use  it.

·        Removes Tension : The first thing everyone expects from massage is the removal of tension. But for this benefit you need to massage before the bed at night.

Which Oil is Good for Massage :
There is lots of hair oil are present in market now, but don’t choose them because of their smell because they are actually chemically filled. Use natural oil like

-         Mustard Oil

-         Castor Oil

-         Almond Oil

-         Sesame Oil

-         Neem Oil

-         Jujube Oil

-         Olive Oil

-         Amla Oil

-         Peppermint Oil

-         Henna Oil

-         Coconut Oil and

-         Bhringraaj Oil
Which Oil is Good for Massage
Which Oil is Good for Massage
Select Oil according to the need of Hair :
§  Normal Hair : Normal hair needs to maintain their natural shine, Amla oil and Almond oils can helps for this purpose.

§  Dry Hair : For dry hair nothing is better than Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, Mustard Oil and Almond Oil. With that wash your hair with coconut milk once in a week.

§  Oily Hair : Our head skin releases a special type of liquid which makes our hair oily, but Olive Oil will be the best for these hair. 

§  Hair with Dandruff : Dandruff stops the growth of hair which makes them loose and unhealthy. To prevent this situation use Bringraaj Oil.

To know more about benefits of hair massage and how it helps in growth of hair then you can immediately comment us below to get the information.
Select Massage Oil according to the Need of Hair
Select Massage Oil according to the Need of Hair

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