Do You Know These Amazing Points of White House

Do You Know These Amazing Points of White House
Everyone knows that The White House is the official resident and workplace of the President of United States. There is a lot about white house that can surprise you. Here I am going to tell all those points:

Contest was held for design:
There was held a contest for the design of White House. In that contest nine proposal were submitted by various architects. An Irish architect James Hoban won the contest of ‘President’s House’ and work on this proposal started in 1792.
Do You Know These Amazing Points of White House
Do You Know These Amazing Points of White House

President George Washington didn’t live:
The whole construction of the White House was done under the President George Washington but he never lived in the White House. It was second President, John Adams who first lived in the White House in 1796.

Workers were unpaid:
Five African-American (Tom, Daniel, Harry, Peter and Ben) men worked there as carpenters. They were asked to work all seven days of week and were never given money for their work. They were working as slave.

Construction of White House:
Construction of White house is awesome. It is constructed in 55,000 square foot area. It is laced with 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases and 3 elevators. It has six floors with two basements and four floors.

Full of luxuries:
The White House is full of luxuries. It has a room for playing pool, swimming pool and a theatre.

Draining Water facility started in 1833:
Yes, before 1833 there was no draining water facility. In 1833, first time ‘bathing house’ was built in the White House and in 1853 this facility was allotted to presidential family members.

Painted with 570 gallons paint:
570 gallons paint was used to make White House white, bright and shine. If it is repainted it needs same amount of paint. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Donald Trumps Qualities Which Can Prove Him Great President ...  
White House
White House

Above 100 people can enjoy dinner:
The White House has a big hall and too many chefs that 140 people can have dinner together at once.

Tin bathtubs:
We think the White House is luxurious but in past it had tin bathtubs. These bathtubs were used by President Madison in 1814. He had to use some linen clothes at the time of bathing to avoid extreme heat.

Elevators were not updated:
Before 1898 elevators of White House were not updated. It took more than eight years to be upgraded. In 1881, former President Garfield’s requested for upgraded elevator and it was done in 1898.

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