How to Attract Good Luck Through Astrological Tips and Principles

How to be Lucky
Good luck means that time when you completes your every life works easily, when you don’t need to face any problem, when you get success in every field of your life, with that when you have happiness, prosperity and love. Every people live with the dream of misery free life, that why people uses many type of remedies and solution to wake their good luck.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Ways to Find Your Good Luck Number in Numerology Science ... 
How to Attract Good Luck Through Astrological Tips and Principles
How to Attract Good Luck Through Astrological Tips and Principles
Tips to Increase Good Luck :
·         Sahdeyi Mul : Tie Sahdeyi Mul in a red cloth and put it in your locker, granary or jewellery. This increases money and wealth. Similarly if you put this red cloth in your shop then it helps in increasing business.

·         Proven Nirgundi : According to other solution take the plant of proven nirgundi, yellow mustard and tie them in yellow cloth. Then hang this cloth on the main gate of your shop or office on Sunday or Thursday. This solution is uses and gives results, so you can use this solution without any doubt.

·         White Aunga Mule Take a white Aunga Mul in your pocket. This increases confidence in you and makes you take challenges, with that your confidence helps you to get your goal. This is why this solution is also well known and used.

·         Proven Baheda : Go to a grocer and buy proven Baheda Leaves, then put these leaves in your locker, box, grainy and prayer room. By the effect of these leaves you feel positivity and peace in your house, this peace calms your mind which increases your concentration power and focus on your goal.

·         Shvetark : Worship Shvetark ( A statue of Lord Ganesha made by the root of white Aak Plant ) daily, with that you can use its amulet on your left forearm also. This makes your luck stand with you always. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Importance and Working of Numerology or Life Path Number ... 
Simple Ways to Be Lucky and Fortunate
Simple Ways to Be Lucky and Fortunate
·         Oysters : In Hindi Oyster is known as Kasturi, it has miraculous effects. To use this you first need to believe on it and then tie a pure oyster in shiny cloth and keep it in locker.

If you are a married woman and want to increase love and sweetness in your marital life then use this solution –

-          Wait for the Friday of dark fortnight, on this day prepare Kheer by your own hand, and remember one think use thick sugar to sweeten your kheer. Offer the first bite of this kheer to God and then give it to your husband. Now pray to gods that bring love, happiness, closeness in your marital life.

On the same day go to the temple of goddess Lakshmi and offer perfume, but don’t keep any perfume bottle in your bedroom. Within a week you will see changes in your life.

Tips to Increase Good Luck
Tips to Increase Good Luck

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