Meningitis Brain Fever Types and Treatment

Meningitis Brain Fever Types and Treatment
Friends, brain fever or Meningitis is that dangerous infection which spreads due to the bacteria named Meningococcus. In this fever, the brain and spinal cord of the victim starts swelling, and causes unbearable pain in head, neck and waist. However, the number of people suffering from brain fever is increasing every year.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Most Powerful Natural Cancer Treatment ...
Meningitis Brain Fever Types and Treatment
Meningitis Brain Fever Types and Treatment
How Brain Fever Meningitis Spreads :
In Meningitis (brain fever), the bacteria enter the bloodstream and reach to the brain and spinal cord. With that, those who are suffering with cold or sinus must beware because these bacteria enter in the body through their mouth and nostrils and then cause swelling in brain and brain fever.

Types of Brain Fever :
·         Viral Meningitis : Viral Meningitis is the most common brain fever and that’s why this is not too serious. It reaches to our body in the form of that virus which is caused by mosquitoes and hence causes meningitis. Victim of Viral Meningitis doesn’t need special treatment because it get treated within 7-8 days automatically. 

·         Bacterial Meningitis : Bacterial Meningitis brain fever is very serious, if you don’t treats it at beginning then this may cause permanent disability or death.

·         Fungal Meningitis : The risk of Fungal Meningitis is lowest because it doesn’t spreads through one person to another. But if your immune system is week then it can caught you easily and those person who are suffering with Cancer and HIV are more prone to this type of brain fever.

Symptoms of Brain Fever :
-    Red, Yellow and purple marks on whole body
-    Stiffness in Neck
-    Waist, head, muscles and joint pain
-    Vibration of Hands and Legs
-    Problem in Breathing
-    Vomiting and
-    Feeling uncomfortable with Bright Light

If you see any of these symptoms then immediately go for glass test and check whether you have brain fever or not.

What is Glass Test :
In glass test, a glass is taken and then presses the marks on body with its edge. If mark gets faded then you are safe but if mark doesn’t fades then your problems are going to be increased because it is a sign of brain fever. This mark will slowly turn to pink and then purple and take the problem more serious.
Treatment for Brain Fever
Treatment for Brain Fever
Treatment for Brain Fever :
-    Give your body complete rest
-    Keep calmness and darkness in patient room
-    Take lukewarm ORS but stay away from other liquid foods
-    You can eat garlic and drink Pomegranate Juice
-    Keep ice cloth on your forehead to lower the body temperature
-    If patient vomits then lie him on his one side, so he don’t feel smell of vomit.

Meningitis, Brain Fever, How Brain Fever Attacks, Types and Symptoms of Brain Fever Meningitis, Glass Test, Brain Infection and Swelling, Treatment for Meningitis

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