Which Type of Graphic Card Do I Need Explain

Video Graphic Card
A graphic card has many types, so when you plan to buy a graphic card then remember these things about them, these points will help you to select best graphic card for you. So, let us know the types and quality of different types of graphic cards. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Working and Functioning of Graphic Processing Unit GPU Card ... 
Which Type of Graphic Card Do I Need Explain
Which Type of Graphic Card Do I Need Explain
Types of Graphic Card :
·         Integrated : When anyone explains graphic card with integrated then it means the graphic card is related to computer motherboard and that is the reason why integrated graphic card also known as On – Board Graphic Card also. Every CPU comes with integrated graphic card slot. But they are least powerful graphic card, so if you are using integrated graphic card then you need to upgrade it for better quality of games and videos.

·         PCI : PCI Graphic Cards are those card which connects to mother via PCI slot. PCI graphic cards also losing their place in market because of rapid growth in technology. But still they have their place because many computers come with PCI slot in their CPU and you use them easily, but you need to upgrade it before the use.

·         AGP : You can use these graphic card in place of PCI slot. For this you have a slot in your computer motherboard. AGP card can work on 4 speeds ( 1*, 2*, 3*, 4* ) but their maximum speed is 8*. If your computer works on 4* then it works only on 4* not on 8*.

·         PCI – Express : PCI – Express graphic card also known as PCI – E graphic card as well. These are the most advance graphic card and that’s why they have maximum speed. Your computer motherboard has slot for this graphic card as well. It maximum speed may double the AGP graphic card means its speed can go upto 16*. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Install a Graphic Card GPU in Just 5 Minutes ... 
Explanation of Different GPU Cards
Explanation of Different GPU Cards
To choose the best graphic card, select its frame rate first and to measure its frame rate you need to watch its FPS ( Frame Rate per Speed ). The eye leads of a person have 25 frames per second but during the playing game we need 60 frames per second. That’s why we need a good graphic card to play games.

 Hardware for Graphic Card :
The hardware of graphic card increases the speed of graphic card directly. The hardware related to graphic card are listed below –

-          Clock Speed of GPU ( MHz )

-          Clock Rate of Memory ( in MB )

-          Size of Memory ( in Bit )

-          Memory of Graphic Card ( in MB )

-          Bandwidth ( GB/s )

-          Speed of RAMDAC ( MHz )

-          Motherboard

Types of Video Gaming Graphic Card
Types of Video Gaming Graphic Card

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