Infertility in Women and Its Astrological Causes

Every woman has dream of being mother on day, actually the motherhood completes a woman, but there are some woman as well who deprives of this pleasure or they may have to wait for long. In this situation society starts talking about these women and sees with nasty eyes. If any woman can’t conceive a child then people calls her infertile women. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Home Aayurvedic Remedies for Female Infertility Sterility ... 
Infertility in Women and Its Astrological Causes
Infertility in Women and Its Astrological Causes
Factors on which Fertility Depends :
Infertility is a disease in which a woman has to suffer some problems related to her womb. Actually being pregnant is a confusing process, which depends on many things like –

-          Health of man semen

-          Health of woman eggs

-          Unblocked Womb pipe ( so semen can reach to eggs without blockage )

-          Fertilization power of eggs when semen comes to them

-          Situation of Womb

-          Ability of Womb to be pregnant

-          Growth of Hormone etc

If any of these has any problem then it may causes infertility in women. Astrology also says if any woman has infertility situation in her horoscope then she has to surfer for motherhood. According to them there are some situations as well which causes infertility in a woman and those relates to planets completely. So, let’s know what those situations which cause infertility are. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Treatment and Solution of Teeth Worm ... 
Infertility in Married Woman
Infertility in Married Woman
Causes of Infertility in Astrology :
§  If in any woman’s horoscope, the owner of fifth house goes to seventh house or if seventh house has any evil planet then it increases the chances of infertility in that woman. To remove this situation these women must offer milk to those evil planets that are present in seventh house.

§  Similarly if Raahu sits in fifth house and Saturn watches him with his inauspicious eye, with that Mars and Ketu have their sight on seventh house and Venus enters in eights house then this situation causes problem in child’s birth. These women must read Harivansh Purana.

§  When Sun comes in seventh place with inauspicious Saturn then also a woman may face infertility.

§  If any woman’s fifth home is suffering from the evil effect of Mercury or if seven house has inauspicious Mercury then woman don’t conceive child.

Factors on Which Infertility Depends
Factors on Which Infertility Depends

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