Aayurvedic Remedies to Cure Pyorrhea Teeth Diseases

Pyorrhea is a tooth disease, in which bleeding starts from teeth, gums swell and person feels toothache as well. In this situation a person found hard to eat or drink anything that why this is important to cure this problem as early as possible. Today we will tell you some home Aayurvedic treatment to cure pyorrhea disease.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Home Aayurvedic Treatment to Cure Dizziness ... 
Aayurvedic Remedies to Cure Pyorrhea Teeth Diseases
Aayurvedic Remedies to Cure Pyorrhea Teeth Diseases
Home Remedies to Cure Pyorrhea:
·         Lemon : Lemon contains many antioxidant and anti biotic properties, that’s why pyorrhea patient must apply lemon juice on their gums to stop bleeding, with that lemon juice keeps teeth strong and healthy also.

·         Mustard Oil : Brush your teeth twice a day means in morning and evening, this reduces the changes of pyorrhea. One more thing to remember that use mustard oil and salt on teeth after morning brush, massage with mustard oil keeps teeth fit and cures pyorrhea.

·         Bark of Peepal Tree : You can use bark of Peepal tree to treat pyorrhea disease as well. To use this bark you need to boil it in water and prepare a brew. Similarly you can use the brew of its stalk as well. Now gargle with this brew, soon you can see the benefits of this remedy. The other useful trees for the pyorrhea are banyan tree, sycamore tree and Neem tree, you can prepare brew from their bark as well. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Full of Nutrients Minerals Sour and Sweet Green Black Grapes ...
Natural Home Tips to Treat Pyorrhea
Natural Home Tips to Treat Pyorrhea
·          Rye and Mustard Oil : Nothing can match the benefits of Rye and mustard oil for teeth. These two things stops bleeding from teeth, makes teeth white and shiny, strengthens their roots, removes swelling and cures every other diseases related to teeth, that why rye and mustard oil are known as sovereign solution for tooth problems. To use them you just need to massage you teeth with their mixture.

·         Sesame Oil : Like Mustard Oil you can use Sesame oil too. To use sesame oil keeps this oil for 5 minutes in your mouth and then gargle. This removes all the diseases from teeth and stops shaking of teeth also.

·         Acacia Tree : Burn some acacia branches and prepare its ash, now mix some coal powder, salt and mustard oil in it. Massage your teeth with this mixture. This mixture soon relief in pyorrhea.

Pyorrhea Treatment at Home
Pyorrhea Treatment at Home

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