Hypnotism Methods and How to Learn Easily at Home

Every person follows different ways to keep themselves pleased and healthy like Yoga, Exercises, Black Magic, Philosophy and Spirituality. Hypnotism and Mesmerism is also a part of spirituality, for this you don’t need special power. If you know the right techniques of hypnotism and use it properly then you can also hypnotize any person easily in any situation.

You can send any person in artificial sleep through hypnotism and make him your obedient immediately for any work. This is an education in which the hypnotized person has been awake but he himself doesn’t know what he is doing. Some people believes that hypnotism is a part of black magic but this is not true, because the use of this education takes people out of their problems or brings their lost memory back.  CLICK HERE TO KNOW Magic Spell to Remove Poverty and Debt Free Life ...
Hypnotism Methods and How to Learn Easily at Home
Hypnotism Methods and How to Learn Easily at Home
Types of Hypnotism :
There are 2 types of hypnotism mainly –

-    With Permission : In this type of hypnotism, you can hypnotize anyone using artificial sleep, sound and technique, order them to follow your command and if want then finish the hypnotism anytime. With permission hypnotism is considered to safe and it is used to take people out of stress and to control their pain.

-    Secret Hypnotism : As the name shows, the person is hypnotized secretly. The target of this kind of hypnotism may be evil and there are many ways of hypnotism in it beside artificial sleep.

However hypnotism is very beneficial and special education but the sadness is that some people use it to harm people and for wrong deeds like mesmerize girl or rob someone etc.

How to Hypnotize Someone :
·         Step 1 : If you are hypnotizing someone for the first time, then choose a person who believes in hypnotism. If you select such a person who don’t believes in hypnotism then it will be hard for you to get him hypnotize. With that don’t choose any person who suffers mental problem otherwise it may have dangerous consequences too.

·         Step 2 : Then take the person to a quiet and comfortable room, room should be cleaned and there should be dim light. Ask the person to sit on chair and remove the entire distracting thing from room like cell phone. Close all the windows and doors, so there should no noise and no third person can come in that room.

·         Step 3 : Before hypnotizing any person, you should decide what you want to ask the person, this helps in concentration and mesmerism, and take the person out of tension.

·         Step 4 : After hypnotizing, ask the person that he has been hypnotized and what does he remember? Then ask them what they have been told to do? Notice his answers and responses so you can improve your drawbacks next time.

How to Speak to Hypnotize Someone :
Speak slowly, in pleasant sound and stretch each of your sentences little longer while hypnotizing someone. Imagine yourself that you are removing person’s worries, fear and problems with your voice. As long as you talk to the person, your voice must be same. With that you can use some hypnotism lines as well like -

-    It’s all silence here and you are relaxing on your chair.

-    Your eyes are getting heavy, do you want to close them.

-    Your body is also getting loose and your mind and body is feeling relaxed after listening to my voice.
How to Speak to Hypnotize Someone
How to Speak to Hypnotize Someone
Note These Things as Well :
·         Deep Breath : Take deep breath in during hypnotism, because deep breaths gives more oxygen to brain and you become able to focus on your work more.

·         Eyes : Hypnotism is a game of eyes because person need to fix his eye on a particular thing to get hypnotize. But if you feel that person will more comfort with closed eyes then ask him to close his eyes and then hypnotize him.

·         Encouragement :  The person who is going to be hypnotized, he will feel relaxed slowly. So, encourage him to do it, so you can treat him completely.

·         Sleep : As we said earlier that hypnotism is an artificial sleep, so after taking the person to artificial sleep and his treatment, ask him to go to sleep so his hypnotism can break. Some people breaks hypnotism with sudden shock, shaking, pinching or any other way. You can also follow them.

Friends, this is how you can also learn hypnotism at home easily and can take a person out of his problems, pain and worries. But remember that don’t use it for any wrong or bad deeds.

Hypnotism, Types of Hypnotism, Hypnosis, Forms of Hypnosis, Learn How to Hypnotize a Person in 5 Minutes, Learning Hypnotism Mesmerism, Do You Want to Hypnotize Anyone, Right Techniques to Hypnosis

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