Some Amazing Tips to Make Astrological Planets Favorable to Us

Astrological Planets, who decides our path, creates different situation in our life, blesses us and punish us as well need to be calm because if they are unhappy with us then they can destroy our life in just a wink. Actually everything is depends on their movement in our zodiac and their combination with other planets. Means if these plants are in good mood and combines with another happy planet then they gives you all the blessings, wealth, status, prosperity etc but this can be worse if two angry or unhappy planets joins each other. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Angry Mars Mangal in Horoscope Gives Punishment ... 
Some Amazing Tips to Make Astrological Planets Favorable to Us
But some astrological principles says we can please our angry planets as well, that will removes all the problems and helps in a living a good life. All the problems we face in our life are created by these planets and their movement, but these are the one who removes these problems as well. All these planets control different qualities and powers.

Make Their Planets Favourable to You :
·         Sun : Sun controls the soul means when we increases our spiritual power, this strengthen our soul and gives power to sun.

·         Moon : Moon controls our mental strength, if we feels weak mentally then we need to concentrate on mediation because mediation relax our mind and gives strength back. All this makes our moon or metal more powerful and focused.

·         Mars : Mars has control over our courage and fighting skill, as we increases our courage indirectly it increases the power of mars and makes him pleases.

·         Mercury : Mercury is the representative of our brain, so we need to always try to keep our brain healthy and working. The maximum use of brain increases its power and strengthens him; with that never let your brain wander here and there. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Relation of Planets and Eye Diseases According to Astrology ... 
How to Strengthen Our Planets in Zodiac
How to Strengthen Our Planets in Zodiac
·         Jupiter : Jupiter or Guru controls our senses and our judgement, to increase the power of Guru we need to focused, loyal and honest. Don’t hurry in any work, first check what are the harms and benefits and then decide what is profitable to do.

·         Venus : Venus has power over our good deeds means if are doing well with others, helping them, never tries to harm anyone then it increases the power of Venus. They other good thing about Venus is that it makes us celibacy.

·         Saturn : As everyone knows that Saturn is the lord of justice and truth then who never tells a lie and never has ill thinking for anyone then it increases the power of Saturn in his zodiac and Saturn also blesses him with great gifts as well.

Relation of Our Behavior and Astrological Planets
Relation of Our Behaviour and Astrological Planets

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