What is Linux, Introduction with Operating System

What is Linux, Introduction with Operating System

What is an Operating System?

All time we switch on our computers, we see a screen where we can execute contrary activities like writing, internet browsing or watching any video. What is it that forms the computer hardware work like it? How does the processor on our PC know that we are request it to execute the file of mp3?
Well, it is called operating system or kernel which does work like this. A kernel of the operating system is the program at the any operating system heart that take care for the stuff of fundamental, like letting communicate the software with hardware.

So, to work on our computer we require an Operating System(OS) .In fact, We are using one as we read this on our computers. Now, we can have used popular OS’s like Apple OS X, Windows but here you will learn what is Linux and what goods of Linux it offers over other OS selections.

What is Linux? Who Developed Linux?

Linux is like an operating system OS or a kernel which germinated as an thought in the brain of bright and young Linus Torvalds when he was a student of computer science. He used to activity on the UNIX OS (a proprietary software), and thought that it required to much improvement.
However, when his ideas were disapproved by the UNIX designers, he planned of launching an OS which will be modifications and receptive to changes suggested by its users.

The Lone Kernel and the advance days

So Linus devised the Kernel called Linux in 1991. Though he would require programs like Document Editors, File Manager, Audio or Video programs to execute on it. Something as we have a conoid but no ice cream on J top.
By passed time, he got together with other developers in places like MIT and Linux applications started to visible. So around year 1991, The Linux operating system working with few applications were launched officially and this was the starting of one of the open source and most loved OS option present today.
The advanced versions of Linux were not so with the user friendly as they were in the use by PC developers and Linus Torvalds never thought it to commercialize this product.
This decidedly curbed the popularity of Linux as another commercially oriented Operating System Windows got popular. None the less, the open source aspect of the operating system of Linux made it more burly.

Linux gets its due attention

The main benefit of Linux was that developers were capable to use the Linux Kernel in order to develop their own customize operating systems. With time, a newly range of user friendly OS’s violent storm in the computer world. Now, Linux is one of mostly famous and vastly used Kernel, and it is the popular operating systems backbone like Knoppix, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian. Never the less, the list doesn't end here as there are thousands which are OS’s based with Linux which offer a miscellanea of functions for the user.

The benefits or the Advantages of using Linux

Linux now utilizes popularity at its quality and it is famous among all developers as well as regular users of computer all around the world. Its main advantages are provided below -
It provides a operating system free. We don't have to spend hundreds dollars to use the OS like Windows !
  • Being the open source, any of you with help of programming knowledge can edit it for your customize purpose.
  • Only Linux operating systems provides millions of programs / applications to select from, most of them are totally free of cost!
  • Once we have installed the Linux we no longer require an anti-virus! Linux is great secured system.. so, there is development community globally constantly looking at structure to improve its safety. With each updation, the OS become more robust and secure.
  • Linux is the choice of OS for environments of Server due to its reliability and stability (Mega-companies like Face-book, Amazon and Google always use OS Linux as their Servers). A Linux based servers could execute non stop without a rebooting for several years.

Is Linux for me?

User, who is new to Linux, usually avoid it by considering falsely it as technical and difficult OS to work but, to state the true, in the last some years Linux operating system has become a lot more user friendly than their counter parts like Windows OS, so stressful them is the best way to know whether Linux suits us for our work or require any other.
There are thousand of based on Linux operating systems; mostly offers for them to state of the art of applications and security, all of its for free!
This is what Linux is all about, and now you will decision on to how to do Linux installation and which Arrangement we should select.

What is Linux
What is Linux

Learn Unix? Then why Linux?

Mother of operating systems is UNIX. which set out the basis to Linux. Unix designed primarily for mainframes and is in universities and enterprises. Instead Linux is hot becoming a household name for users of computer, server environment and developers. We can have to pay for a kernel of Unix during in the Linux, As it is free of cost.
But, the command used for both the operating systems are same normally. So There is not high deviation between Linux and UNIX. Though they might be look contrary, at core, they are basically the same. Since, Clone of UNIX is Linux. So learning one will definitely help or same as learning second one.

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